Our Services
The Mercer county Health Department offers family health services to all residents of Mercer County regardless of income level or age. Funding for the not profit local public health agency comes from county tax income and through contracts from local, state, and federal sources.
Community Programs and Services
Home Health
Home Health and physical therapy services are provided through a partnership with Serve Link Home Care. These services require an order for home health from a physician. The In-Home Program for private pay or Medicaid clients offers the services of an R.N., homemaker, and/or aide.
Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Screenings
Blood pressure and blood sugar screenings, as well as wellness clinics are held routinely at various locations throughout the county. Blood pressure and blood sugar checks are also available upon request at the health department office in Princeton.
Laboratory Blood Draws
Laboratory blood draws are available at the office if ordered by a physician. This service is available at a low cost for private-pay individuals with no insurance or we can bill insurance. Finger stick coagulation checks may be done with a physicians order.
TB and HIV Testing
The health department offers testing for Tuberculosis and HIV. All testing is strictly confidential. Call the office in Princeton for more information or to schedule this service. Health department personnel also investigate any reportable communicable disease that occurs in Mercer County.
Immunizations for children are available for county residents by appointment. We have state vaccine or private vaccine to bill insurance companies. This includes all immunizations required or recommended by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Adult immunizations are also available for a fee or insurances can be billed. Seasonal flu shots are administered for a private fee or insurance will be billed as well.
Birth and Death Certificates
Birth and death certificates may be obtained at the health department at a cost of $15 for birth and $13 for death. Birth records are available from 1920 to the present and death records from 1980.
Family Programs and Services
WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) is a nutritional program that is offered to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and children under five years of age. WIC clients receive nutrition education and food supplements administered under federally mandated guidelines. WIC days are on Thursday – call for an appointment today!
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy testing may be obtained at the Princeton office. Prenatal case management is available, and there is a Safe Cribs Program for families who meet certain guidelines. Children may also have their blood lead level tested.
Car Seat Fitting
The Mercer County Health Department is a car seat fitting station, where certified personnel can check car seats for safety and recall status. The health department is also a member of the Safe Kids Coalition and provides programs and materials to increase safety knowledge for children and teens in several different subject areas.
Child Care Health Consultation
The Child Care Health Consultation program provides continuing education hours for licensed day care providers in Mercer County Health promotion is provided for children.
Kauffman Scholarship
Kauffman Scholarship applicants may visit the health department for a nicotine test to assure their scholarship eligibility.
Back-to-School Health Fair
Each year, the health department sponsors a Back-to-School Health Fair. This is an opportunity for Mercer County students to receive health screenings and school supplies at no charge.
Emergency Preparedness
The Mercer County Health Department is an active partner in emergency preparedness for the county. This includes issues such as sheltering, responding to the county needs during natural or man-made disasters or weather extremes, monitoring and providing life-saving medication for outbreaks or epidemics or in the case of a bioterrorism event, and assisting other emergency partners when called upon.
Environmental Health Services
Environmental Health Services
Environmental health services at the health department include inspections of food service establishments, retail food stores, food manufacturers and distributors to determine compliance with environmental public health laws, rules and regulations. Inspections are also performed on all commercial lodging establishments and licensed child care facilities. The health department responds when there are environmental public health factors relating to disaster situations and/or transportation accidents.